My first post on this blog. I’ll admit, this isn’t my first blog ever but I had no understanding of blogs last time. Although I was happy with what I was writing about, I had no idea that the blog in question was actually not public. So it was a matter of not understanding the website in question.

But I’m rambling as I often do…so, first post.

The best way to start is probably from the beginning. There’s two beginnings in this case, when I started writing ‘Unbound: A Siren’s Quest for Freedom’ (let’s just call it Unbound for short) and when I started writing stories all together.

Let’s start with the latter.

For as long I can remember, I have been making up stories in my head, you could say I did (and still do) daydream a lot, what else was a lonely kid meant to at playtime? I will hold my hands up and admit I can’t remember every story I came up with back then. I am convinced however,  that if I did try to write any of them up now they would one; make no real sense and two; there would probably be copyright issues all over the place. What kid cares about copyrights when it comes to a good story?

As for when I started writing ‘Unbound’, to be honest, I can’t remember why I started writing it down, I know for years my parents have tried to encourage me to write down my stories but I was scared, scared of rejection and, more importantly, I was afraid of not doing my characters justice.

But not long after I started to write ‘Unbound’ did I realise something. If I don’t write my stories, my stories will die with me. It’s morbid but it’s true.

Wow that got deep, so let’s end with a motivation. Stories are meant to be told, so no matter how good or bad you think your writing is, just give it a try. Your stories won’t write themselves, so don’t be shy and let your inner writer shine!

I promise to be a little more light-hearted next time.

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