As a writer, it’s only natural that I have read my fair share of books, especially ones of my chosen genre, fantasy.

The sad irony is that despite my love for books, being a writer often means that I can’t really have any long reading sessions anymore. All I can do these days is snatch 10 minutes here, 5 minutes there, anytime I’m waiting for something basically.

I still have a lot of books to go through, so a shortage of books isn’t the problem. In fact, looking at bookshelves right now, I have 91 books altogether and I have only read 39 and a half (the half being the one I am currently reading).

Speaking of, I am currently reading Strom Front by Jim Bucher and I am really liking it so far. I actually have quite a few books that are the firsts in their series, like Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin, Eragon by Christopher Paolini and…well you get the picture. This obviously doesn’t include my own of course, though I could count that as read.

I’ve only been talking about the books on the shelves right in front of me, that doesn’t include the many manga I have…yes I’m one of those. I haven’t actually read a manga for a long time but they are very good for a quick read. However, I don’t recommend them being your only source of reading whilst on holiday as you’ll get through them in no time.

But despite the lack of reading I get around to these days, I have no regrets in choosing to write books. As much work as it is, there is nothing more fulfilling then seeing your story in book form and be able to share it with the world.

On a less serious note, my favourite series is the Harry Potter series, my favourite author from my childhood Jacqueline Wilson and the most impactful book to me is ‘The Time Traveller’s Wife’ by Audrey Niffenegger. I’m sure it is not the most original list but I think it’s the most accurate list I can think of and let’s face it, if I forgot one, then it shouldn’t be on the list anyway. I still love books though so just because a certain book didn’t make the list, it doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t like it.

Keep reading everyone!

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