Hey everyone, sorry for the hiatus, I’ve been pretty busy with a couple of birthdays and, of course, working on my current project. I can’t remember if I mentioned that I was working on a trilogy or not, but currently number three is a work in progress, my first is out (obviously) and my second is being edited.

Yes I know that doing trilogies seems to be a trend, but it works for my books, in this storyline at least. I have noticed a pattern with most trilogies though, I’m not sure if it’s deliberate or not, but I have my theories.

The first ones can normally work as a stand-alone story, it has a solid beginning, middle and end that will satisfy those who don’t invest in book series. That’s not to say that there is no room for a follow on book at all as they will often also contain subtle mysteries that don’t get answered. They are most likely there for sparking curiosity for readers and encourage them to buy the next book in the series.

The second ones are often the weakest of the three. Put down your pitchforks, I don’t mean that as a bad thing, second books are there to bridge the gap between the first and last in the series. They are often riddled with unanswered mysteries, as they should do. Unlike the first book, the second book pretty much is design to cater to those readers who are there for the entire series, so some unanswered questions are fine as long as they get answered in the following book.

And finally, the third ones are often both bulky and full of action, if there is a big fight to be had, it’s going to happen here.  It is this book where almost everything is explained and probably contains more plot twists then the first two books combine. Of course, that doesn’t mean that all mysteries are solved, but the questions that still linger are left up to the readers imagination. Oh don’t worry, they don’t tend to be plot essential mysteries.

Again, I would like to mention that these are just my theories and opinions. I know I said that the second (or in some cases, the middle) book tend to be the weakest, there are some exception. When it comes to the ‘Harry Potter’ series for example (yes, I am well aware it’s not a trilogy, but the rules still apply…slightly), without spoiling anything, my favourite is book is the fifth one, almost right in the middle. I can’t explain why, just like I can’t explain why I love the film ‘The Terminal’ despite the fact that I’m not really into romantic comedies.

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