I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember, in fact, I still have a lot of the pictures I did back from when I was a child. My style changed over time but my drawings always had a cartoony aspect to them and now it has settled to being very manga like.

Though I don’t consider myself to be bad at drawing, I do recognise that I am not on par with the best artists out there. I mostly draw people and other things from my stories, you could say that I do fan art for my own book. Wait, would that still be consider fan art or is it just art?

Regardless, I know that if I ever wanted to get serious with my artwork, I would certainly need to take lessons for drawing hands and feet (a big pain in the backside for me), poses and backgrounds. It wouldn’t hurt to learn to use other media besides the special colouring pens I normally use either.

But I had a really disheartening experience with an Art teacher in the past and it’s made me not really want trust another art teacher no matter how much I may need lessons.

When I was 14 years old, I had to move schools, I was in the year where student could drop certain classes if they wished to. But unfortunately for me, since I arrived a few months after the school year had started, the Art class was already full and I was forced to take drama instead.

However, I was determined to still take Art GCSE, so I took an evening class that was in my school in addition to all the schoolwork I already had. That was where I met one of the worst teachers I have ever had the misfortune to meet, let’s call her Ms H. Ms H really didn’t like my art style at all and she never encourage me, but I was able to deal with it for the most part as I knew that art was subjective. I still did everything I was asked to the best of my abilities and even tried to draw the way she wanted me to, even if I wasn’t that good at it.

But it was after I had passed my GCSEs that it went from inconvenient to downright soul crushing. In the summer, my school had invited me to see all the GCSE artwork they had on display and it was going to include my work as well. Of course I went and I was excited to see my work alongside everyone else’s…but when I got there, my work was nowhere to be seen. Puzzled, I asked one of the other teachers where my work was, after some digging on their part, it turned out that Ms H had told them not to display my work even though I was a fellow art student at the school.

Naturally, I was furious at her but with no means to contact her and ask why, all I could do was stew in my own

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