Aging trees, showing their age through colour,

Last year’s fashion, what a bummer,

Falling like amber snow as they flutter on the breeze,

Time to say goodbye summer.


Fresh morning breeze, so crisp and clean,

Great, messes the hair,

I feel my sprits lifting me high up,

That must be the chill in the air.


Golden sunsets that follow me home,

Followed by a cold, black night,

The blood red sunrise that greets my wake,

Stains the path before my sight.


The crystal frost sparkles in the light,

Crystal, really? This is getting old,

Autumn paints a beautiful picture,

It may not be winter, but it’s still goddamn cold!


Jokey poem aside, I actually like autumn. I’m not a big fan of the heat so I welcome the morning chill.

November is an odd time, with Halloween over, most people are waiting with baited breath Christmas. I’m not talking about the actual day, more like when is it too early to do the Christmas shopping (personally, it’s never too early, anything to avoid the rush) or what day can we start playing the Christmas songs? I heard a Christmas song for the first time yesterday and I personally thought it was way too early but that’s just my opinion.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to talk your ear off about Christmas… yet.

So, is autumn my favourite season? No, I have no favourite season because I think every season has its ups and down.

Spring is pretty and the temperature in the beginning is bearable but the latter part (especially in recent years) is too warm.

Summer is my least favourite with its extremely high temperatures and too many bugs but the saving grace is personal to me… birthday and Hyperjapan, nuff said.

Autumn is a blessing, it’s cooler and my time as bug hunter starts to wind down, but the biggest hazard is the shorter days. Winter has this too but you’re used to it by then, but right now, your body is wondering what the hell is going on when it’s 5 o’clock and it’s pitch black outside.

Winter is beautiful in its own way, when it’s done right. It rarely snows where I live so most of the beauty comes from the frost and I especially like seeing frosty spider webs (though I’m sure the spiders could do without it). But frost is also the biggest problem, that and it’s glassy cousin ice. I walk a lot but I hate walking on difficult terrain and ice is the worst.

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