Or Happy Holidays depending on who you are, I don’t discriminate. I personally celebrate it as Christmas but I think we can all agree that whatever we celebrate, late December is a time to spend family and friends.

I’ll get the worst thing about Christmas out the way first… shopping. I’ve never been one for food shopping regardless of the time of year but it’s ten times at Christmas. In fact, most shops are a nightmare this time of year and for an anxious like myself, it can bring on panic attacks like no-one’s business. No wonder a lot of people use Amazon and the like, it certainly takes to stress out.

Beyond the frosted glass door,

 With tinsels, sales and more,

But with fights abound,

Hoping to save pounds,

You need luck in here for sure.

But there’s still a lot of things I like this time of year (if I avoid town centres and supermarkets), there’s a happy atmosphere once the stress of preparations are over. I’m not a fan of parties but going out for meals with my family or have a festive DnD session with my friends is a lot of fun.  Singing Christmas carols is also a favourite thing of mine to do around the holidays, I’m not really one for churches but I love a good excuse to sing my heart out, I even used to be part of a choir briefly.

And of course, there’s the aesthetics of the season, the lights, the decorations etc. I would say I love the snow that is usually attached to Christmas but in the south of England, it rarely snows at all let alone on Christmas. Doesn’t stop me hoping that we will have a white Christmas one day, not the wet ones we normally have.

 Glittering powder,

Painting the scenery white,

Beautiful winter.


This will probably be the last blog before the New Year so I hope you have a Merry Christmas and I wish you all a great New Year.

See you in 2020.

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