I wrote this a long time ago but I think it still stands up to this day. I’m pretty please with it though I’m not really sure what to call it. A statement? A weird, poetic speech? A simple exercise in creative writing? That’s up to you.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy.


The Coming Storm

The storm is coming, you may not see it yet.

The air is still, the streets are silent, the river is calm and the wolves are feeding.

But if you look closely, the signs are there.

There’s a charge in the air that can be felt rather than seen. A man can be seen on the streets now, sadness in his heart but rage on his mind. The winds starts to pick up as it rips across the river’s surface, creating ripples that distort its glassy depths. The wolves…well they’re still feeding, but you can see the hungry glint in their eyes knowing that the meal before them won’t be enough.

The sky is clouding over, as darkness paints the landscape, low rumbles of thunder can be heard, like an unseen conductor, counting in its chaotic orchestra below.

But this storm is not just nature’s chaos, but mankind’s too. The storm is constantly around us. The hails of fire like bolts pound on the war-torn countries, the screams of the innocents in peril around the world, the tornados created by the winds of the politics as they argue back & forward and the darkness in the minds of those trapped inside their own fears & despair.

But for now…the chaos is frozen in time.

The air is still charging, the man reaches into his jacket, the ripples are still appearing and dying, the wolves are chewing on the bones.

I stand between them all, watching and waiting for the chaos to fall around me, but I will not run.

I’m tired of the bad news, the wars, the backstabbing….there’s so much hate in this world, but for what reason?

Why does chaos have to reign?

I don’t understand any of it, which is why I’m here.

When chaos falls, I will stand here in defiance of it all. I will not now hate, I will not succumb to my fears and despair.

I stand here as a testament for all that is good in the world, I stand here in the name of peace.

The storm is coming in…are you with me?  

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